What Charlie did was facilitate and pay people who were going to help people exercise their franchise. What could be accomplished by sending Charlie to prison? The vote of poor people in this country will be suppressed as it always has.

She was a good woman, and I think she'd appreciate her name being attached to a building that will help a lot of people.

Interestingly enough, I have more cases right now in Springfield than I do here. I don't know if I would be willing to do that if I didn't fly. Flying is an indispensable tool for me.

It's always been a challenge for students to find affordable housing in this area.

The Democratic Party sent money down there, the Republican Party sent money down there. A reward was given to people who exercised their franchise. There is nothing immoral about what he did.

I would guess we got 20 to 24 inches at least. I'm sure we got a couple of feet. Sunday afternoon I was outside raking, picking up branches. Woke up Monday morning and the sidewalk was bare.