It's the adrenalin rush. It's the same rush you get when the dealer in a card game turns over the hole card.

It's that sustained feeling of excitement we are searching for. In a game, you have it every play, and it's sustained up to the end of the game, unless there's a blowout.

The series will involve me flying all over the world and betting on everything imaginable.

We finally made the film eight years later.

The movie did a great job depicting the crazy run I had in my life.

It was understood back then everybody needed a pier. Now there's a perception of a value change. There's a sensitivity to the scenic impacts of piers.

They'd want to get fresh milk, so it would be nothing to be on the lake and there's a cow on a boat. You have to remember - if you came out (to the lake) in the Victorian era, you'd have to have three trunks of clothes. Women changed their clothes three times a day.

I didn't bet at that time in my life. I have no problem wagering on the game now.