Nathan's kid was kind of the premier match-up of the tournament.

At the time Keith and I were working on a show called Fruitcake . Antonio had five or six of his pieces in that.

He had five matches today. That was an outstanding performance to come through the back door.

It was changing self-perceptions as well as the perceptions of the community.

We'll turn the tables. It'll be their place to invite other people in.

It is a language, and it touches on things oral or written language don't get to. When I first met Antonio, I wondered if he could speak. He was so shy.

He is tight with his mom. He has such an old-fashioned sense of responsibility. He is the man of the house.

Everything around the gallery was destroyed. But Antonio's robots right inside the door were fine. It was like Passover.

We try to be very competitive. We try to be near the lowest ones (in price). The rooms are pretty nice. They're mountain-lodge like. They pretty much all have character and there's a variety for people's tastes.