In Griffin, I have a customer who always buys two copies of his favorite books — one to read and one to add to his collection.

It'll have to wait for more men to come home, ... That'll inspire people to do something in their honor.

I have been telling them to secure against non-structural damage ... This may not be necessary for the current quakes but is always a good idea.

I said to myself, 'Geez, this kid deserves something we can remember him for,'.

First it was the fascinating comic book art that caught my attention, ... Later, I began to read the stories, then the art and the stories came together, and it was magic.

More often than not, we see cars orbiting the parking lot.

Some people have asked me for advice about specific actions they can do.

I figured I'd just come out and see what it's like, you know. It's a nice store, laid out nice.

We enjoyed it all immensely. The police escort, the shirts, everything was such a great surprise. They treated us so special.