It's not right for the oil companies to artificially bring prices up for gasoline already in the ground because of market predictions - especially when the price is not attributed to additional expenses by the vendor.

I would categorize it as a major shift in thinking.

It's just a miracle what's going on here.

The affection in which Princess Diana is still held is remarkable, but I knew Dodi and, far from being the playboy he was portrayed as, he was a charming, hard-working film producer who had made his own way in life.

It is a tribute to what might have been if the couple's car had not crashed on August 31, 1997.

I don't want any more of our young men and women to die in this war. It was a bad war from the start, and it's a bad war now. It was based on lies.

Consumers have been understandably frustrated when they see gas prices jump as much as 50 cents a gallon in one day.

We support the troops, ... We believe we're the true American patriots.

The surviving paper, even in a one-paper town, still is faced with a boatload of competition.