We don't have the bats to let it rip. We have to have situational hitting.

It's a good strategic platform for taking off in the U.S..

People with disabilities want the same things we do: an interesting and meaningful daily life, close relationships with others, opportunities to socialize, a chance to realize their dreams, be a part of their communities, to feel that they are valuable and important. In Dillon, it is clear that these special people are actively celebrated and supported.

We think we can convince a jury that a woman with her reputation, a woman who has done the things she has done, should go to prison.

We want to compete for a conference championship. We're going to qualify for states and we're going to play solid softball.

We're going to have a strong battery. Our pitching gives us the luxury of a lot of good innings defensively.

We have to support each other out there and play good team defense.

They'll be looked on to contribute heavily to the team with their overall performance and some leadership.