The United States might not permit its citizens to use its territory and airwaves to incite terrorists abroad and the murder of a democratically elected president. Venezuela demands that the U.S. abide by international and domestic law and respect its country and our president.

Mr. Robertson is, of course, no ordinary private citizen.

Help for those who need it most is a cornerstone of the new Venezuelan economy under President Chavez, and this program, following similar ones in Massachusetts and the Bronx, is part of a new effort to increase regional integration.

As a neighbor and trade partner, we are happy to provide assistance to the United States at the time of the disaster.

It is essential that the US government guarantees his safety when he visits this country in the future, including his scheduled visit to the United Nations in New York.

Venezuela is privileged to be able to help the United States in this time of need. We see ourselves as a compassionate people and hope that our efforts will help cope with current market needs of the U.S. for gasoline, and provide some immediate relief to the victims of this horrific natural disaster.

The United States presents itself as a leader against terrorism, invades countries, restricts the civil rights of Americans in order to fight terrorism, but when it is about its own terrorists, it denies that they be tried.

I think they don't want to know that we need to replace very old weapons, update our old aircraft. That's all we want to do.

We think that by mid-January we will normalize the operations of PDVSA.