I would expect eminent domain to play a significant role in the rebuilding of New Orleans. My guess is that it will be used carefully and prudently to make sure that the primary beneficiaries will be the people of New Orleans and not the land speculators.

They think it will reduce the number of Democrats who'll vote.

It's a lone time to be a Democrat in Indiana.

Heartland reflects well on us because it's one of our premier arts organizations.

Today, we are one important step closer to realizing this fantastic opportunity for thousands of new jobs for Indianapolis, ... We are grateful for the hard work and cooperation among state, local and federal officials that has gotten us to this point.

We had a little bit of wrangling, ... but we got the job done, and we got it done quickly, and we got it done right.

It's now harder to vote in Indiana than any other state in the U.S.,

I think it's pretty clear that there will be a significant number of new jobs at the finance center.