Aubrey Daniels
FameRank: 4

"Aubrey C. Daniels", Ph.D. is a clinical psychologist by training, but is sometimes referred to as “the father of performance management”, as he was one of the first to make extensive use of the science of behavior analysis in business. More than thirty years ago, Daniels began pursuing his mission: to help people and organizations apply the laws of human behavior to optimize performance.

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The consequences that cause people to do their best every day occur every day. Delayed rewards are far less effective, even if theyre larger.

If you feel you aren't getting much recognition for your contribution, think of your boss, because your boss gets less -- much less.

People complain their bosses never give them positive reinforcement, ... I say to them: 'If you think you get too little recognition, think of your boss. He or she gets less.'

The trendy management fads concentrate on antecedents, ... but the only thing that makes what you do (before a behavior) effective is its consistent pairing with a consequence. Antecedents get us going. Consequences keep us going.