These numbers are suggesting that a future Federal Reserve tightening will be coming to a theater near you quite soon.

This will certainly heat up the debate at the central bank.

I think this employment report shows that the laws of gravity do apply to monetary policy.

Now companies are convinced that the expansion is getting stronger and is sustainable and they are increasing hiring to meet expected demand.

It absolutely makes tomorrow's (Thursday's) Greenspan announcement as widely anticipated as the new 'Star Wars' movie.

The Fed is justified in being aggressive. We're in uncharted waters here.

I think this is an important first step for the central bank. They didn't want to lower rates too aggressively for fear of sending a signal to the markets that they thought things were completely falling apart.

That's a great number that basically calms a lot of the fears out there.

We're starting to see the savings rate pick up from near historic levels, which is very encouraging. Though we don't expect Fed tightening to work overnight, we are starting to see some of the early results of the significant tightening we've seen to date.