Anjem Choudary
FameRank: 6

"Anjem Choudary" is a British Muslim social criticism/social and political criticism/political activist. He was previously a solicitor and served as the chairman of the Society of Muslim Lawyers, and, until it was proscribed, as the spokesman for Islamist group, Islam4UK.

With Omar Bakri Muhammad, he helped form an Islamist organisation, al-Muhajiroun. The group organised several anti-Western demonstrations, including a banned protest march in London for which Choudary was summonsed

--> to appear in court. Al-Muhajiroun was disbanded following the UK government's decision to ban it. Choudary was present at the launch of its intended successor, Ahlus Sunnah wal Jamaah (organisation)/Ahlus Sunnah wal Jamaah, and later helped form Al Ghurabaa, which was also banned. He then became the spokesman for Islam4UK.

More Anjem Choudary on Wikipedia.

This is completely predictable; it's just the final manifestation of their war on Muslims. Where are all the values they say they stand for: freedom of speech, freedom of expression, the right of innocence until proven guilty?

We're living in a political climate where governments and the media in the West feel they can get away with something like this. There are double-standards here. I think you need to appreciate the Muslims take their religion very seriously.

The caricatures and cartoons which have appeared are a very serious issue as far as Muslims are concerned. Western governments and Western media need to appreciate that Muslims take their religion very seriously.

With the Internet and other means, we can still hear from him wherever he is preaching. I don't think he will stop his activities.