Once I reel it in, I'm like 'I caught the first fish, I caught the biggest fish.' That's kind of how it went.

Mr. Fitzgerald has proven that we are all better off without an independent counsel law, ... The contrasts between him and Ken Starr could not be more stark. We should not use the criminal justice system to make findings of fact that are not in a courtroom. That is why we have due process.

He has provided motivated, enthusiastic and committed leadership, ... Today, our Chamber is more focused, better organized and the Board more engaged than five years ago through his leadership.

I've been fishing ever since I could walk. Me and my dad go out all the time, go fishing. It's just something that I've always been doing.

It gets real competitive, but it's a silent competitive.

We went out yesterday [Saturday], two days in a row. Last night, we were out there about 9 o'clock. So we stay on the lake. We caught a couple catfish.

It's going to lower the quality of life considerably, which we paid for.

The game of football is a physical game, so if you go a game without having penalties, something's wrong, you know what I mean. I'm not going to back down. I'm going to keep doing what I do.

The fair journalistic question is why they didn't call and get comments for their story from people who were in the room, such as Sandy Berger, and why they took until Friday afternoon to get that done.

Malone [ran] into himself coming around a corner. He would be competing with himself.

I've heard rumors that the businesses don't like bus people standing around. I feel like it's discrimination, ... We have a right to be where we need to be to catch our buses.

We fished them out that day. That was fun.

We have a good time, then we go and cook them. That's the best time right there.

I killed them last time. I caught about 10, they caught about one.

You have to find a hobby, other than football. You have to have an escape. When I go out there, I forget what day of the week it is.

[Such elasticity is bipartisan, of course.] The hypocrisy on the Republican side is just as blatant, ... Everybody should just admit it. Substance matters. It's not just the résumé.